When Shamar turns on a live stream and someone else is talking instead of him, it could be due to a number of reasons. Sometimes, live streamers hand over control to others for a variety of purposes. For example, Shamar might have been inviting a guest or allowing a friend or fellow content creator to speak, which is common in many live streams. This could be a way for him to create a more engaging or interactive environment, where others have the chance to share their thoughts or stories with the audience.
Another possibility is that Shamar might be facing technical difficulties, and the stream could have started accidentally, causing an unexpected situation where someone else is speaking instead of him. Live streaming often involves real-time interactions, and sometimes things don’t go exactly as planned. This can result in someone else taking over the conversation without the viewers being aware of the change in plans.
Alternatively, Shamar could be testing the live feature or preparing for something, leaving the stream active but not fully engaging with it himself. It’s also possible that Shamar might be multitasking, dealing with other matters while letting others handle the live session temporarily. Whatever the reason, these occurrences can happen from time to time in the fast-paced world of live streaming.